+1-778-882-2806, +1-778-847-7357

Free Evaluation

Your Name *
Your Email address *
Contact Number *
How old are you?*
What is your highest level of completed education?
In addition to the certificate selected above, have you completed a 2nd post-secondary diploma/certificate?*
Have you studied in Canada?
What is your highest level of education completed in Canada?

English Proficiency Reding Score?
English Proficiency Speaking Score?
English Proficiency Listening Score?
English Proficiency Writing Score?
French Proficiency Reding Score?
French Proficiency Speaking Score?
French Proficiency Listening Score?
French Proficiency Writing Score?

Skilled Work Experience

How many years of full-time (30 hours per week or equivalent part-time) Skilled Work experience have you obtained OUTSIDE OF CANADA within the last 10 years?
How many years of full-time (30 hours per week or equivalent part-time) continuous Skilled Work experience have you obtained INSIDE CANADA within the last 10 years?
How many years have you worked in Canada during the last 3 years?
Are you Married or in a Common-Law Partnership?*
What is your spouse or partner's highest level of education completed?
Has your spouse or partner completed at least two academic years of full-time study, in a program at least two years long, at a secondary or post-secondary school IN CANADA?
Spouse English Proficiency Reding Score?
Spouse English Proficiency Speaking Score?
Spouse English Proficiency Listening Score?
Spouse English Proficiency Writing Score?
Spouse French Proficiency Reding Score?
Spouse French Proficiency Speaking Score?
Spouse FrenchProficiency Listening Score?
Spouse French Proficiency Writing Score?
Do you or your spouse/common-law partner have a close family member who is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident?
Do you have a skilled job offer from a Canadian employer?
Is the position being offered a senior managerial level position (starting with National Occupation Classification 00)?
Do you have a full-time (30 hours per week) job offer for a total duration of at least 1 year?
Is your Canadian Job Offer supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment(LMIA)?